Truer words there have never been. Amen, Brother.

Let's get an FBI that works for honest citizens rather than the current one that is run by the descendants of Al Capone, Meyer Lansky, and the rest of the first gen gangsters.

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One of my favorite subjects, and excellent work. On the subject of "poison" there is a little more to the story, although what you wrote is fine. Hippocrates, in his famous oath, proscribed the use of poisons as medicine: "I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and in like manner I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion." I believe that part was removed from modern versions some time ago, for obvious reasons, and it seems that the oath itself is fast disappearing now, but this business of poisoning people for fun and profit has a very long history.

In the Greek, that proscription reads "οὐ δώσω δὲ οὐδὲ φάρμακον οὐδενὶ αἰτηθεὶς θανάσιμον, οὐδὲ ὑφηγήσομαι συμ βουλίην τοιήνδε: ὁμοίως δὲ οὐδὲ γυναικὶ πεσσὸν φθόριον δώσω." Notice the word φάρμακον ("pharmakon"), a medicine or poison. In this case, poison, from the adjective θανάσιμον (thanasimon), deadly or fatal. Pharma was known back then too! This provision was against sorcery, i.e. poisoning.

Reference: https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0248%3Atext%3DJusj.%3Asection%3D1

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I shared this brilliant article with a jabbed friend and he complained that you provided no footnotes, no links to the sources of your information.

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I shared this brilliant article with a jabbed friend and he complained that you provided no footnotes, no links to the sources of your information.

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Gerson - bought the book circa 1980, still have it. Tried to recommend the treatment to my uncle when he had cancer but good luck suggesting "quack" cures. I never tried again, sadly.

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Brilliant connections - Pharma is the fresh-faced Mafia today, and has bought the media, academia, all levels and levers of government, and seems omnipotent - a tool in the hands of the reigning plutocrats - time to wake up, question everything, never comply.

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Protection Racket?!! From your following comment, you seem to be perfectly describing the authoritarian Federation of State Medical Boards based in Texas w satellite medical boards not only in every state of America, but also has a strong global presence w ability to craft global health care “policy”… “Reasons for compliance are explicitly described by the enforcers — you need our protection, or else — anyone who doesn’t obey is threatened, degraded, and ridiculed for not surrendering to the edicts of the mafia-like, medical-industrial complex.”

Yep, this quote seems to perfectly describe the very opaque, privately funded (by who?!) FSMB, hiding in plain sight and out to destroy any medical/health care professional who dares to call their mandated (?) iatrogenic practices in question. If you are not already aware of it and it’s reach, you might find this expose from New Zealand w expat American physician who crossed paths w a FSMB satellite in NZ, very enlightening.


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Revelation 21:8

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

The word "sorcerer" is pharma in Greek. And our word pharmaceuticals comes from the word pharma.

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"Organized crime protection racket!!" YES!

The web of special interests (Pharm, Politicians, NGOs, Government agencies, investment companies, international organizations, +) is tightly organized. The only weakness in the gang system is our will!

I.e., if all of us do not spend $ to their healthcare; if we do not buy product from gang stores; if we do not invest $ to those gang organizations, we can win. At the same time, we need to keep those brave people alive who are fighting the organized crime family in the front line (financial support)!

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India's ancient system of Ayurveda commonly cures chronic diseases, as has often been reported in the scientific literature, including by my two, now graduated, PhD students. Not only diet, but daily routine, and practices to restore the regulatory system to 'balance', i.e. a state of optimal function, are the key. I have shown that Optimal Regulation can be equated to health, and involves conditions on the fractal physiology - the results support a new Integrative Biology that goes far beyond modern drugs. Papers can be emailed to those interested.

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I would love to read your papers. My email is kbeaz80@gmail.com.

Thank you

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So, I am left to think is this: after the opening "parable": Because medicine is oriented toward profit, thus it is not its function to heal the sick and promote the patient’s welfare. The patient’s needs come last, and the doctor is to “treat” the patient and bleed them of their money. Most doctors would not be able to face themselves at night if they came around to looking at the world is such a cynical fashion. To act this way in any area of work, medicine or otherwise, is to promote an unrealistic anti-market view of capitalism. Some businessmen, doctors and proprietors do indeed think this way. It is that short run kind of thinking that sounds so “tough-minded” and “in the know.” Instead, most all trades and businesses operate on the basis of something called “good will” and it goes along with credit or money paid back later. Patients catch onto bad doctors, and they, the bad ones, soon leave the profession because of this. It is a winnowing out process and has existed since the marketplace began. So, this article is starting off with a wrong assumption of what is troubling current medicine.

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The model was developed by Rockefeller who jettisoned competition to his efforts to monopolize medicine via his pharmaceutical company procured from Farber. The same M.O. continues, and it has been a wildly successful business model, pushing healing therapies to the narrow margins of the healthcare system. It is very difficult to obtain many homeopathic remedies in the U.S. There are more toxins in the drinking water than an LM8 arsenicum, yet it is deemed dangerous, but also thought of as plain drinking water with no therapeutic benefit at all other than perhaps placebo. Most SSRI's work via placebo.

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We need to think more critically about the opioid hysteria. Law abiding chronic and even acute pain patients and the physicians managing their action condition are suffering under outrageous regulation, which is creating an industry of mediocre "pain specialists" who charge a fortune, test your urine to monitor your every drink or use of cannibis, and have six month waiting lists, while fentynal passes through our borders like candy. (Just try getting meds for more than 7 days after a major surgery--your heart surgeon is allowed to only prescribe for that long, by threat of the DEA).

Most chronic pain patients are women. Not supporting them in functioning, which well-maintained pain meds did for years for a sizeable population, only results in worsening of condition requiring worse medication and more expensive treatment and then death, seeking out drugs on the street, or suicide.

Many doctors will tell you how their patients who were well-managed before opioids became the favorite policy issue once "education" couldn't be questioned are now dangerously undertreated. If a minimal amount of daily opioids for someone with permanent pain enables them to keep their job, or stimulants help people with severe chronic fatigue syndrome drive their kids around and prepare them food, how is that anyone else's business? How is it that the DEA and multiple industries, including your pharmacist, put barriers up at every turn to people simply trying to cope with maladies? By the way, in America, the disability system is broken. I know people with metastatic breast cancer who are waiting years to get approval, and many people with severe conditions in their late 50s who can clearly no longer function with several doctors' endorsements being rejected flat out.

Go off and die. That's the message.

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My teacher (Hubbard) noted this problem with Medicine back in the 1950s when he attempted to advance a new method he had developed for curing psychosomatic illnesses. Organized medicine was not only indifferent to his work, it was overtly hostile.

Hubbard theorized that this was because Medicine had failed to understand disease well enough to cure it, and so had given up trying and fell into a cynical, if not pathological, attitude towards its patients that amounted to a type of genocide. He saw this behavior among many other "professionals" as well, government bureaucrats in particular.

And even though Hubbard came up with some great discoveries, and some good ideas about how to apply them, all these years later that information has yet to be taken up by anyone in academia or in the various professions his work could impact. Thus, this sort of apathetic sense of failure seems to have taken over all of academia and its associated professions and left the whole system stuck in a sociopathic pattern that it now protects as "the science."

MANY writers have described this sort of professional behavior as a "protection racket."

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For anyone interested in finding a naturopathic doctor:


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Friday, 20th October 2017

Contact Report 691


This future world-powerful elite will know no mercy and will carry out an annihilation of humanity that could not be more terrible.

And for this, various possibilities are likely to emerge, such as that various traditional deadly epidemics will be reworked and prepared with new deadly agents, but also artificially produced diseases will be used to decimate humanity.

Likewise, the calculations also indicate that infectious toxic biological substances will be secretly used to decimate humanity and that their deadly effects will be presented as new and incurable epidemics, whereby these toxins will then penetrate the entire organism via the respiratory tract and the mouth as well as via the skin and mucous membranes, whereby unstoppable mass deaths will inevitably occur.

Purposefully induced famines and wars, poisoning of food and drinking water will also be part of the arsenal of decimating human beings to a still governable minimum, which will occur worldwide, so not only in individual murderous and dictatorially led states.

A thermonuclear war to depopulate the majority of Earth-humans must also be considered in order to reduce them to such an extent that they can be governed again, consequently also a genocide or human murder on an unprecedented scale can result.


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This is from 2018. I have no doubt that Billy is still receiving these messages. The big question is how truthful they are. He has been told some ridiculous things by Ptaah and others, such as the assertion that he is the only valid ET contactee on Earth. So, I am not convinced that this is not just fear porn. Assuming it were true, what could we do about it besides work on developing our spiritual skills?

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