Spot on. Thank you for this post.

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Greeting from Canada

Its a long way from Red Deer - but I would love to go to Hogtown one day!

If you ever want good information on a number of subjects, I can send.

email freedom14921@outlook.com

In the meantime, here is a short video commercial.

I wrote a letter to the editor, and they liked it som much, they made it into a commercial!


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You are right that the United States speak often of excellent political organization in Rome. While yes some of it came from Rome, much of it actually came from a much older source. The Torah. Rome was horrifically cruel. Rome invented crucifixion – the worst way to die. If you had a baby, Roman law said you could throw it in the forest and if it lived “it was the will of the gods”. Everything that is good in our society came from Christians following the commands of the Bible. Orphanages – Christians. Hospitals – Christians. Wholesale education- Christians. Almost all large old universities were all established by Christians. Prison reform – Christians. Food banks - Christians. A vast majority of the largest charitable humanity-based organizations that exist today and in all of human history are Christian organizations or were started by Christians. (also note it is critical to distinguish the good works and deeds of authentic followers of Jesus, from the deeds of wicked evil men who claimed they were “Christians” but were not legitimate followers of Jesus at all). I noticed you said you were not religious; you share that commonality with Jesus. Jesus was not religious, and in fact he reserved his attacks and harsh word for the religious/political leaders of the day. For the prostitutes, demons possessed and other “sinners” he simply forgave them and simply said “go and sin no more”. Jesus hated religion. He pursued and encouraged others to pursue a relationship with God. I don’t know if you were trying to be facetious and funny or serious when you said you were “born to be a heathen”. You did make me smile. I was born to be a heathen also. The Bible tells us we are all born in sin. I am grateful Jesus died on the cross for my sins, a penalty I could never have paid on my own. I pray you find this great love that has brought millions a peace they had never had before. Oh, it’s not all rainbows and butterflies – sometimes your life becomes more of a struggle when you accept Jesus. This is because satan didn’t care about what was happening with you then. Once you turn to Christ the enemy wants to kill that precious seed of eternal life within you. You can’t threaten me with heaven, and that is a solid rock you can build your life upon. I recently saw an article about a Muslim man who had watched 5 Christians get beheaded. It caused him to pursue Jesus because he said “ I saw how they faced death, and I knew that the way they faced death – their faith had to be real.” I did read the kunglangeta article link you attached. At the end there was a comment by a psychologist, and she said there were way more psychopaths on the outside of prison than the inside. Yikes!

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Hi Marie. Many thanks for your comment. I love to learn and share. These millions desperate people you spoke of are coming from every single country in South America. They are also coming from all over China and Africa. If you do the research, you will find out. I have attached a link that shows it. There are thousands of places you can get information that proves the people coming from the border aren’t from Mexico. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1kDGtmGsvi4

Here in Canada, we get tons of these people from all over the world that were bussed here from New York to the infamous Roxham Road border crossing where there aren’t proper processes in place to stop illegal immigration. I admit this is confusing to many people in the world as the United States must seem schizophrenic to them. In your defense, it can be. When communist psychopath monsters like Biden or Obama are in the White House leading America, things can go terribly for people around the world. Many wars around the world when they were in office. On the other hand, when good, non-war monger leaders like Ronald Reagan and Trump were in the White House things were great. No new wars during Trump. In fact, he got 5 treaties signed between Israel and Muslim nations. So, in reality, it is not accurate to make blanket statements about “America”. If a communist psychopath like Biden that only cares about enriching himself is leading America, it results in the war in Ukraine, and “America” is garbage. When a good strong leader who is a billionaire and donated his entire presidential salary and actually lost money to become President is leading the nation, “America” is great. Your observations about the faults of “America” rest at the feet of communism. “America” is good when it is being led by freedom minded people, of which capitalism is an essential ingredient. “America” is terrible when it is being run by communist psychopaths that only want to abuse the system in order to enrich themselves. This is the classic case of communist nations all over the world. You can measure the freedom. The more communist/socialist they are, they less free they are. The more capitalistic they are, the freer they are. What I am about to say right now is just truth, so please take it with the most love and grace possible. Everything you have mentioned so far is classic communist propaganda, so you need to ask yourself how much actual research have you done on this topic? How much of what you believe is what you have been told, but you haven’t researched for yourself? You are on Substack, so that leads me to believe you are on a legitimate search for truth, and so you will take my words to heart. I know this because every person I know that researches it for themselves, gets red pilled and escapes from the matrix. As far as “Western Imperialism” and your comments about "my ancestors", the lies and false claims being made by the history revisionists about Columbus are not true. Columbus did kill "natives" but these "natives" were murderous CANNIBALS, and the local people that lived there at the time were grateful and LOVED Columbus for saving them from these wicked evil savages! Watch this five minute video on PragerU. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBwawG0bPJc Finally, you mentioned Syria. https://www.opendoorsuk.org/persecution/world-watch-list/syria/

Most of the refugees leaving Syria are leaving due to internal persecution from the murderous communist/fascist regime of Assad. They aren’t fleeing from what you call “Western Imperialism”. Again, I fully agree with you that there is such a thing as “Western Imperialism”, however the blame lays right at the feet of communism. It is people who claim “democracy” but use every communist tactic to subvert freedom and gain total control over their population. If you watch the Marvel Avenger movies, you can see how Hydra - the totally wicked and evil enity - operated inside Sheild - which was the agency trying to do the right thing. Look at the corruption of the FBI, CIA, DOJ and NSA under Obama/Biden. Completely weaponized by the government against its own people! This did not happen under Trump. Read The Naked Communist, or listen on Audiobook https://www.audible.ca/pd/The-Naked-Communist-Audiobook/B07231MKCK

Or watch this brief introduction of the Nine Commentaries Book Series – How the Specter of Communism is ruling Our World. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oN1cSx276RI Many blessings to you 😊

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It's ironic, I've turned into a Mail reader in my old age. Let's remind the Guardian that following WWII journalists paid the ultimate price for their lies.

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This is why I am happy to pay you and no longer The Guardian. Merci beaucoup!

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Cheating. Dishonesty. Ethics violations.

Why are we surprised? The same "bastions of truth" that that promote evolution and claim "God is dead" has ethics and integrity problems. You can't make this stuff up.

Kindergarten Logic as follows:

In order to have a building, you must have a builder.

In order to have a Moral Law, you must have a Moral Law Giver.

No Moral Law Giver - no Moral Law. Without a Moral Law, "good" or "evil" don't exist. The concepts of good or evil become a social construct that changes based on expediency or the weather.

It is wholly illogical to argue for "morality" in the absence of a Moral Law Giver.

Without a Moral Law Giver, "morality" is simply anyone's opinion. There cannot be good or evil.

For further reading, you can check out the following four stories about cheating at Harvard, liar professors at Harvard and Standford, and propaganda involving the most forgotten CLIMATEGATE.

When internal climate scientists email exposed the lie that we are in a "climate emergency". The foxes who guarded the henhouse lied, and lied and lied in order to promote climate alarmism knowing full well the scientific data did not support their false reporting.








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Regarding: "The governments of some countries have even offered cash bonuses for publishing in certain journals" - might we ask what gov? I think many of us already know the one answer to that question.

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The BMGF has its fingers in many pies. It doesn't need to browbeat or cajole or threaten - its beneficiaries *know* what they have to do to stay on side.

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Within hours of the massive injection rollouts, many folks fell ill! Actually "FELL ILL".

The panicked but smart ones took to the internet with photo and word warnings about a Vaxx that was advertised as keeping you safe from the "DREADED" virus the TV shouted was surely a killer.

The world wide web lit up like New York City with the now injured cries of OMG....ME TOO!

Then real .GOV shadow armies took the helm of disaster. Convincing the injured to shut the hell up

Our #NOTABOUTYOURHEALTH is it? Call for help was immensely diverted and silenced.

That was far more than enough proof that a giant operation had indeed been launched globally.

The test had fallen on every individuals minds. Fall for the BS? Or question and hold dear intuition?

“The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”

Albert Einstein

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Brilliant. This article is a much needed breakthrough for #WeThePeople #InOuTimes’ #5thGenerationInfoWar against the #nefariousNewWorldOrder’s #PowersThatBe’s Orwellian “perpetual war” profiteering propagandizing.

You’ve made my day. Ty!

Let’s join together in singing #TheWho’s #PeterTownshend’s anthemic #ClassicRock protest song #WontGetFooledAgain.


#CREATORS (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializer)

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I hate the Guardian - they wriggled like squirming snakes around the issue of Assange. Thanks for writing this.

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Exactly on point.

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The main problem I see with the media, government, and academia is this: Zero Accountability. These "professionals" can lie, murder, cheat, gaslight, etc. and there are never ANY consequences for doing so. Until there are real consequences this sociopathic behavior will continue.

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