You say there is ; 'UNASSAILABLE PROOF that the most powerful forces in Washington were involved in the assassination condemns the city as an axis of evil like NO OTHER the planet has experienced." Unassailable proof I agree but this UNDENIABLE axis of evil has upped the stakes now with the UNASSAILABLE PROOF they want 7.5 Billion of us DEAD as are just 'useless eaters' and the fact that the PLANdemic has begun the GREAT CULLING of us in already doubling the overall death rate that remained steady until the culling shots began resulting in a continued exponential rise in 'sudden deaths'. The AXIS OF EVIL has now excelled itself in their achievements surpassing even that of the undeniable reality they planned and instigated the assasination of JFK and got away with it. JFK had INSPIRED WISDOM as you quote: JFK’s words are prescient,...............

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie - deliberate, contrived, and dishonest - but the myth - persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic." We cannot deny this AXIS OF EVIL is anything other than brilliantly malevolently successful in continuing the myth that our governments, medical regulators, educational institutions, financial institutions or judiciary are working for us 'useless eaters. This myth as JFK exposed is nothing but PERSISTENT, PERSUASIVE AND UNREALISTIC. TOGETHER IN PRAYER FOR THE GREAT AWAKENING TO TRUTH and the crushing of the head of this Snake of Evil that pervades the progress of PEACE ON EARTH. Heaven help us all.

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Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.

Oscar Wilde

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Thank you for introducing me to the work of Peter Dale Scott, whom I'd never heard of until now.

Years ago, as part of a master's program in theatre, I wrote a proposal to create an interactive theatre experience that was part history and part shaman-led community healing, to address what I saw as unresolved trauma buried deep in the American psyche over JFK's assassination. No surprise -- my idea was roundly rejected. I still think we will not move forward as a nation without some guided, intentional, public ceremonies of truth-telling and deep healing.

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