Funny how all the leftists ridiculed the Catholic Church for muzzling Copernicus and Galileo. Yet these leftist, totalitarian zealots are no better. Nay, they're worse because we have copious historical examples of herd stupidity getting in the way of real science, yet they persist in this stupidity.

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Quite a few cuckoos in your list of concerned medical practitioners, brilliant researchers, and experienced analysts...

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Of some concern is how rapidly an horrific idea spreads from one liar to the next. A mere 57 years and an ocean away from the Nazi takeover in Germany, the militant wing of the US Democratic Party, called the KKK, in 1876 took control of state legislatures and governorships by vote fraud and terrorism. The Civil Rights Act of 1871 criminalized racial and religious discrimination, implementing the US Constitution's 14th Amendment. The Act was completely silent on matters of medical freedom and Democrats seized on that to consolidate power, on taking office January 1, 1877. Immediately KKK operatives began circulating false and frightening stories of African diseases supposedly carried by ex-slaves. Democrat legislators swiftly passed Segregation laws, restricting most social mingling between Black Americans and everyone else. These "health measures" quickly created barriers to Black American participation in elections in Democrat-ruled states, a restriction that finally ended with the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

The 1965 Act was deficient in that it still did not limit the power of politicians to use junk science as the basis of laws claimed to help the public health. So a handful of the worst laws discriminating against Black Americans got repealed, but the lack of medical freedom continues to threaten the lives and liberties of us all. For example, Richard Nixon's Drug War quickly became discriminatory against Black Americans, who comprise most people imprisoned for drug offenses, because nobody rolled back the junk science of 1876 and forced de novo review based on the facts already known in 1972.

Of interest to scholars of the Nazi period: A.E. Samaan's excellent monograph, "Harvard and the Holocaust" documents that when German scientists objected to Nazi racial policies because of a lack of proof, the Nazi Party replaced them with US-trained "experts" who got their degrees at Harvard. In short order a body of US-devised junk science meant to maintain Segregation, metastasized into an official policy of mass murder...and went global.

Science works, precisely because of free speech. The scientist accepts a fact as proven, because somebody proved it and told everyone how they proved it. The only belief one must have, to engage in science, is belief in Causation. If I can do A&B and every time I do them, C happens, I've just shown A+B causes C. (If someone shows that C happened without A or B, my claim is disputed and unproven). Without free speech there is no way to discuss what is proven and what is unproven, hence, no science happens.

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A note of remorse. After Albert Einstein fled for his life from Germany, he eventually built and established the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. AECOM is tucked away in the northeast section of the Bronx, and for decades has carried the reputation of serving the Bronx community with a spirit of excellence. AECOM has also provided medical training for many in the Jewish community, as per the vision of its founder, Dr. Albert Einstein. Unfortunately, they too reverted to similar totalitarian tactics on their students, staff, and scientists, that Einstein himself had suffered and escaped, but this time in the name of COV19 and the jab.

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CDC, NHS, FDA all become irrelevant. as they lie more and more to us we stop listening.

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Add Toby Rogers to that list!

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The Religion of Scientism has replaced science:


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True words that cannot be heard too often. Thank you all for standing up!

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 26, 2023

Great article. But the author warns about forgetting the horrors of nazism and totalitarianism as though they were mistakes, good intensions gone wrong, oopsies! It needs to be understood that there are evil people willing to do anything for power. And there are selfish people willing to go along with those in power - even at the local level, or in the workplace - if it benefits them in some way. What is happening now isn't the result of forgetting the horrors of the past. It is because of evil, selfish people and we must fight them off as if they are the living dead.

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Science, Nazis, Paperclip, Jews... try something more esoteric. Eustace Mullins Curse of Canaan is a good start. https://archive.org/download/pdfy-hH7b-2yjyACdh8nO/The%20Curse%20Of%20Canaan%20%5BA%20Demonology%20Of%20History%5D.pdf

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There is some retreat for sure, but it looks like they might attempt to roll out covid once again - you can see signs of it, that are right now confined to the looniest universities and some parts of Hollywood. Do I think it will work this time? No, but it may create some problems this winter. They simply can't let go.

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The NHS is yet another reason why doctors need to come up with some other type of costume to wear, denoting that they are 'physicians'. It is getting so that these presenters-of-the-narrative, wearing their white smocks with names and affiliations embroidered over their (absent) hearts, are beginning to mirror the purpose of Nazi uniforms.

Or maybe it could be the latest costume craze this halloween.

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This makes the West stink! All the achievements of democracy and liberalisim of the West in the last 100 years, have been an abandoned. This reminds of the Soviet era, where people would not say anything that was not inline with the Politburo. People were self policing and censoring. I can't believe what's happening to Prof Fenton, a highly celebrated mathematician and statistician. Dr Malone's article on the subject reads like a nightmarish novel. It is unbelievable that scientific minds in the United Kingdom can resort to these kinds of diktats!! It's insane!

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All this together with Youtube's new unholy alliance with the Gates funded WHO to strike content that varies from the WHO's official narratives (https://blog.youtube/inside-youtube/a-long-term-vision-for-medical-misinformation-policies/), it seems that the conversion to a fascist totalitarian regime is nearly complete.

I encourage all of us to also not engage in spreading new mandate propaganda for free, even when we are expressing oppositional information. Remember, 70% of the population will go along with anything the authorities tell them.

Our best work I think is to go about our lives and make our actions our stance. You can't create a war if the opposition doesn't show up. We need to make these authorities unimportant. Suck the oxygen out of the room. Be free in our thoughts and our deeds.

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There's nothing new. The Copernican theory of the planets rotating round the sun was considered blasphemous and publications by Kepler , Foscarini and others were banned. Galilio was warned not to support the theory and when he did based on his observations of Sunspots and Venus the Inquisition sentenced him to home imprisonment for life. Nothing changes.

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Trouble with the Biden puppeteers is they are now in so deep they darent lose power for fear of jail time.

State of emergency?

Vote rigging?

Jailing opponents?

Whatever it takes they will do to hold on.

The Ukrainians have some powerful kompromat on Joe - why else would he have slung them £500bn whilst domestic US drops to bits?

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Lol!!! Jail time!!! Hahah. Like we have a justice system!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 whose going to put him in?? You???

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