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All wars are bankers wars, without exception. No normal human being ever wants war. War benefits nobody other than banks and corporations

I'm not worried about the so called nuclear threat though

First of all, how do we know that these things actually exist? None have been used since 1945 and we rely entirely on known liars for our evidence. Such evidence is purely theoretical too. What real empirical evidence do we have? None whatsoever! It's all old videos [many of which look very fake] assertion, official stories and BS "science" from inveterate and pathological liars

Second, even if they do exist, which I doubt then, if some nutcase ever launches a full on nuclear exchange we are all done for. The only thing certain in life is your ultimate death, we are all going to die and most us don't get any choice over the timing

So there is no point in worrying about this at all. there's nothing that any of us can do about it. And as my missus always says "no point in worrying about something that you can't effect, it's futile"

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