I posted this on my site David, well written. I worked for POTUS Trump first administration as a senior advisor. Thank you for supporting RFK Jr. a good man. Will do good for USA.
This reminds us of how we got to this unhealthy condition. Most people just blame their genetic heritage? They don’t look at the
Sodas, chips and pasta they live on every day.All of it is loaded with junk and chemicals added before and during processing. One person lately said if it comes in a box with a label you can’t read or pronounce , don’t eat it!
Easier said than done!
Convenience now supersedes
Natural unprocessed food.
Children prefer chicken nuggets and fries to apples or oranges.
It will be a monumental task to reform our diets?
I remember how shocked I was years ago to hear that farmers were being paid to destroy crops?
And dump dairy products?
Big AG was growing more tyrannical every day since and driving farmers off their land. Now
They use a questionable test to destroy millions of chickens and eggs? This is unreal? Based on
bogus science?
Hope RFKJr gets a ton of help on his mission to turn this ship around?
RFK Jr has been one of most trusted sources for 10 years and his organization he founded Children's Health Defense is the top source of info on this topic. So I draw on a lot of direct input from him personally and this organization. I agree in general with your post, but would offer the following comments:
With Trump's backing, expect an earthquake within the federal healthcare regulators and the industry in general. Kennedy knows more about needed regulatory reform, rampant corruption, improper financial incentive to behave recklessly (especially vaccine approvals), and he can name names. His book "The Real Anthony Fauci" is a tough read. It will make your blood boil. RFK knows where the bodies are buried and he's naming names. Expect fireworks, mass firings, criminal prosecutions, and a complete remake of the healthcare agencies within 2 years.
Do not expect politicians from either party to help until after RFK exposes the corruption and forces this into public conscience. Then, and only then, will some politicians reluctantly back him in self interest. There are some honest Republicans, like Ron Johnson who has held televised panels including RFK and many of my most trusted COVID ScamDemic malfeasance truth tellers. And now Ron will be the committee chairman WITH SUBPOENA POWER. . . which he lacked before. Expect more fireworks. Eventually many more will be forced to get on board and put their Big Pharma campaign contributions behind them. And if they don't, Trump will campaign against them in midterms. Trump is also very serious about this.
Expect major results because of Kennedy, and at Trump's request, within the first 2 years.. Then they can use this in the midterms to sweep the assholes out of Congress.
Pray big. Expect miracles. Kennedy was an answer to my prayers. Trump instinctively knew what to do last time, he just didn't know howl Kennedy knows how
I posted this on my site David, well written. I worked for POTUS Trump first administration as a senior advisor. Thank you for supporting RFK Jr. a good man. Will do good for USA.
Thanks very much Paul! - Please send a link where it is posted.
This reminds us of how we got to this unhealthy condition. Most people just blame their genetic heritage? They don’t look at the
Sodas, chips and pasta they live on every day.All of it is loaded with junk and chemicals added before and during processing. One person lately said if it comes in a box with a label you can’t read or pronounce , don’t eat it!
Easier said than done!
Convenience now supersedes
Natural unprocessed food.
Children prefer chicken nuggets and fries to apples or oranges.
It will be a monumental task to reform our diets?
I remember how shocked I was years ago to hear that farmers were being paid to destroy crops?
And dump dairy products?
Big AG was growing more tyrannical every day since and driving farmers off their land. Now
They use a questionable test to destroy millions of chickens and eggs? This is unreal? Based on
bogus science?
Hope RFKJr gets a ton of help on his mission to turn this ship around?
RFK Jr has been one of most trusted sources for 10 years and his organization he founded Children's Health Defense is the top source of info on this topic. So I draw on a lot of direct input from him personally and this organization. I agree in general with your post, but would offer the following comments:
With Trump's backing, expect an earthquake within the federal healthcare regulators and the industry in general. Kennedy knows more about needed regulatory reform, rampant corruption, improper financial incentive to behave recklessly (especially vaccine approvals), and he can name names. His book "The Real Anthony Fauci" is a tough read. It will make your blood boil. RFK knows where the bodies are buried and he's naming names. Expect fireworks, mass firings, criminal prosecutions, and a complete remake of the healthcare agencies within 2 years.
Do not expect politicians from either party to help until after RFK exposes the corruption and forces this into public conscience. Then, and only then, will some politicians reluctantly back him in self interest. There are some honest Republicans, like Ron Johnson who has held televised panels including RFK and many of my most trusted COVID ScamDemic malfeasance truth tellers. And now Ron will be the committee chairman WITH SUBPOENA POWER. . . which he lacked before. Expect more fireworks. Eventually many more will be forced to get on board and put their Big Pharma campaign contributions behind them. And if they don't, Trump will campaign against them in midterms. Trump is also very serious about this.
Expect major results because of Kennedy, and at Trump's request, within the first 2 years.. Then they can use this in the midterms to sweep the assholes out of Congress.
Pray big. Expect miracles. Kennedy was an answer to my prayers. Trump instinctively knew what to do last time, he just didn't know howl Kennedy knows how