Thank you for linking to my #Brickgate article.



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Those of the CCDH are behaving like a cornered wild animal. A rat in a trap, if you will. When psychopaths feel threatened, their fear expresses itself as attack. And the more threatened they feel, the more dangerous they become.

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let's not insult animals, who are much more honorable than Ahmed; I was thinking more in terms of a demon caught in a Ghostbuster's trap.

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Have you noticed that the elites always name something the exact opposite of what it's true purpose is? "The Affordable Healthcare Act" which made healthcare more expensive across the board, "The NY Safe Act" which made it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves, "The Homeland Security Act" which made the "Homeland" less secure and now, here comes "The Center For Countering Digital Hate" which focuses the full hatred of the elite on all those that oppose them and their dictates.

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Great dig. Thanks. and thanks to Dr. Malone for the cross post of this article.

My one comment is the term Margaret Anna Alice coined for the "philanthropists" like Gates is philanthropathists.

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Very informative. It is this hiding in plain sight approach that amazes me with it's effectiveness. In this case the CCDH postures as some ultimate source of truth when they are in fact the antithesis of truth. Much like Joe Biden's "Inflation Reduction Act" which is unprecedented in it's spending volume; gasoline on the fire. Look them in the eye when you lie like a rug. An appalling combination of bravery without any morals.

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"The Center For Countering Digital Hate".

REALLY? Even the name of this group is ridiculous, a fact to which they must be oblivious! Why? In spite of the frequency with which the term "hate" is thrown around these days, it's application is most typically "misapplication". Upon examination it becomes apparent that "hate" is an emotion, an internal experience a human being can have in response to an outside stimulus, or self-generated. An emotion is a feeling, an experience, characterized by a combination of an energy state of consciousness and physical sensations in the body initiated by the autonomic nervous system, including the Vagus nerve and effects of adrenal hormones. What do any of those have to do with digital anything? How do you transmit a nerve impulse or hormone digitally?

And as for the similar claim of there being such a thing as a "hate crime", lets get realistic here! Crimes are actions. Period. Hate is a feeling. Period. Anger and its extreme expression, hatred, can TRIGGER criminal behaviors in those with poor self-regulation issues, but to try to make the emotion of "hate" itself a crime is insanity—literally the criminalization of one's internal feelings! That is a step even beyond making what one THINKS a crime! What is this world coming to? "Minority Report" 2.0? 3.0?

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THEN: "I really hate your trousers"

NOW: "You're wearing hate trousers"

THEN: "I really hate your cottage pie"

NOW: "You're serving hate food"

THEN: "I really hate something you said"

NOW: "You're spreading hate speech"

As you point out, the word 'hate' is not actually an argument. It's just projection. It attempts to disguise an act of aggression (the coercive silencing or subjugation of others) into an act of self defence. It's no different to the psycho in a pub on a Saturday night who starts a fight by accusing the other person of "looking at me the wrong way" and "trying to start something"..... thereby implying the target (the victim) is somehow the aggressor.

"The Center For Countering Digital Hate"

Just record all your hate to analog tape and they can't touch you ;)

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"Just record all your hate to analog tape and they can't touch you ;)"

Lol! That's a GOOD one! Why didn't I think of that??? Then they will have to add a department to Counter Analog Hate!!!

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Absolutely on Target


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Ahhh…Yes Grasshopper (Me) , the rabbit hole is very deep. 🏴‍☠️, Ed

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I went so far down that rabbit hole, I think I ended up in China!

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I have 4 shovels and 2 Friends with excavators….🏴‍☠️🔥😁 Best Wishes, Ed

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Thank you Dr Malone for this most revealing exposé. I have book marked it and saved it in several places in my harddrive waiting to be used in supporting arguement when next I have to defend myself for not getting vaxxed. This is the type of sleuthing that has to be done if we ever hope to convince the Establishment of the truth. Let's hope they will listen.

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The lucrative "open collaboration" between corrupt industrialists and compromised politicians was never a "merger." It was a takeover of our government by big business. The Deep State IS big business.

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As I read this piece, it is becoming a continuation of more and more and more evidence of the state we are in. Evidently the fall hasn't fallen far enough yet. I agree that this information and all others like it are needed, and yet this is a very slow process of reaching the masses. The constitution of our bodies and minds need to be stronger than the Constitution of the U.S. or the mission will fail. God Help Us All.

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I am afraid You are more than prescient. Ed

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Though the "thought police" were made famous in Orwell's 1984, the term always reminds me of an odd story told by my teacher.

Apparently there was a city - perhaps a whole planet - where the population was under the impression that the government could tell what everyone was thinking. This led them to be extraordinarily careful about what they thought about. The physical "proof" that the government had this power was a huge tower in the center of town which everyone knew was monitoring all their thoughts.

In reality, the tower did absolutely nothing. The government maintained their "control" by reinforcing the illusion that they were in control. If someone had actually gotten the idea to replace the government, and organized people to accomplish that, it would have happened. The government's "power" was an illusion.

Though I am not sure this is the case today, I think it would do us well to remember this story. Anyone today who could successfully learn telepathy (and many have) would have more real power than any government operative ever will have. They maintain their "power" in many important ways, by keeping us ignorant of ours.

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Yes! This world will change DRAMATICALLY upon the "awakening" of large segments of the population to the true nature of human beings. We are potentially much more powerful than most people even have an inkling. There are numerous indications that some pretty "far out" things like levitation are actually possible, and maybe even teleportation. Certainly psychic phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition.

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Thank you for recognizing that these things are possible!

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Reminds me of the power of Santa Claus over children. Better be nice...

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In this quote "One consequence is obvious; the fraud increases the amount of profits for the pharmaceutical industry and the billionaires who support vaccine sales" the author is identifying Greed as a primary motivation for those in control of the system. Well, it might be true for lower-level operatives, such as directors of pharmaceuticals companies and their brethren, but there is another level above them. Those people, whoever they are, are not mainly motivated by Greed. They are controlled by PRIDE. According to the Theory of the Progression of Evil, the end point of Pride is the desire to annihilate the being of others.

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Great piece. Thank you for writing this.

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At the end of an age, evrything must be interated, especially the negative. Thankyou for bringing o light the unconsciousness of the powerful to free the spirits of the evolved.

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Every product produced by pharma should be tested and retested for it’s therapeutic veracity and especially it’s politics before being unleashed.

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