Oh the irony of the original act making reference to the assassination of RFK (sr)...

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The Democrats are an abomination currently. They deserve to fail and be utterly destroyed after their gaslighting the nation the past four years. August 19th, Union Park. The Chicago DNC is goin down.

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Thanks for your efforts. We should be sending copies of this to every one of our senators.

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For RFK Jr it’s just optics!

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coup d'etat may be a better description

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Is there any agency in government, federal, state or local that complies with written law?

In my personal experience the answer is NO! And the problem is that citizens do not have the money to fight all of the governmental abuse that has taken place nor are the citizens organized and most don't know until it hits them. YOU CAN'T FIGHT CITY HALL, THE STATE CAPITOL OR WASHINGTON DC! And we really have no effective way of doing so. The Courts seem to be designed to issue blanket denials of citizen complaints along with the NO STANDING business which really means "We don't want to be bothered."

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You are correct.A lot of our gov’t is corrupt.However,Dr Nass has just given readers an effective way to legally require RFK Jr to have Secutity.To do nothing is exactly what the “powers that be” want.I,for one, will not give up.

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Your link doesn't work. Please send Dr. Nass's post. Thanks

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Oh I have not given up. Sorry if I gave you that impression but it has taken me my lifetime to realize that it is unusual to find an elected official or govt. worker who really cares about the problems that citizens face.

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Yes.Unfortunately it’s usually the people in gov’t lower on “the ladder” who seem to be helpful to the rest of us.Hopefully,there will be more in the near future who will be more caring.

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Interesting that the Kennedy campaign has not brought this up to its supporters. I wonder why. Seems like they could launch a lawsuit.

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He has brought it up countless of times

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I know that. But you apparently did not know is the situation is different now. It's now less than 120 days before the election. The law says he should have secret service protection now. Before 120 days the government did not have to provide it if they did not want to.

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If you were an active supporter, you would know that the matter has been repeatedly reported by RFK Jr. to those who promote his campaign.

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As I replied to another commentator, the situation is different now. It's now less than 120 days before the election and the law says he gets the protection now. Before 120 days the government did not have to provide it. Thus, I'm seeking to find out the truth. And so far no official word from the Kennedy campaign that I've seen.

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RemovedJul 11
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Yes. Looks like he may never get secret protection.

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It's clear someone else is running the show as Biden started his first day in office with a laundry list of big pHarma directed personnel firings and hirings in federal positions across the fda, cdc, doj, dod, and many more.

Ordering the experimental vaccines be taken by hundreds of thousands of young healthy men and women serving in the military is an act of treason: he has endangered the safety of the usa by endangering their health which could be affected by directed 5G frequencies.

Biden must step down at once asap as his ill health is putting us all at risk. He shouldn't have run for president back in 2019 when his family found out he had dementia per a friend of Bidens surviving sister.

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RFK Jr is essentially being "Ron Pauled" or "Bernie Sandered".

But maybe if RFK Jr "stays in line" and behaves, he won't be a Arkancided.

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Could RFK Jr really trust a security detail organised by Democrats when it is almost certain that the CIA was involved in the assassinations of both his uncle JFK and his father RFK Sr?

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I agree. And not only that, he is a better candidate than Joe Biden. He can put more than half a sentence together and a Trump/ Kennedy debate sounds a lotta more exciting than what took place a couple of days ago.

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My feelings exactly, but drawing attention to this injustice is needed anyway.

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